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The issue of transparency in public relations, or as it is more often referred, the conflict of interest, belongs to the When the initiator of the first international ethics code in public relations French PR-expert %20Updated%20June% 202012.pdf, accessed 19 th Business Systems Research Journal 8(1), 133- 146, 2017,.

International Refereed Research Journal □ www.researchersworld.com □ Vol.– IV, Issue – 2, April 2013 [43]. IDENTIFYING MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS  29 Dec 2015 This article reframes public relations' contribution to democracy in light of the International Communication Association PDF; Split View. 3 Ags 2019 Jurnal ASPIKOM is an international journal that aims to develop Communication applied communications, public relations, and marketing communications. Nurul Hasfi, Joyo NS Gono, Wiwid Noor Rakhmad. PDF. 36-49  International public-relations experts, scholars and practitioners, are asked about (Journal of Communication Management) are termed in this way. Secondly,. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL According to the 2007 China International Public Relations Association (CIPRA) Report, there were 20 to 30 

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8 Mar 2014 measurement and evaluation of public relations and corporate anniversary of the International Public Relations Association 'Gold Paper on Evaluation' published in. 1994 Journal of Applied Communication Research 37(4): 418–43 . http://www.iab.net/media/file/Global_meas_guidelines.pdf.

Jurnal Septian Rabu, 16 Juli 2014. MANAJEMEN PUBLIC RELATION “managing public relations means researching, planning, implementing, and evaluating an array of communication activities sponsored by the organization; from small group meetings to international satellite linked press conference, from simple brochure to multimedia national Public Relations Review - Journal - Elsevier The Public Relations Review is the oldest journal devoted to articles that examine public relations in depth, and commentaries by specialists in the field. Most of the articles are based on empirical research undertaken by professionals and academics in the field. JURNAL PENELITIAN KOMUNIKASI - WordPress.com jurnal penelitian komunikasi vol. 12 no. 1 v vol. 12 no. 1 tahun 2009 issn : 1410 - 8291 jurnal penelitian komunikasi daftar isi studi kesiapan infrastruktur komunikasi informasi menyongsong manado kota pariwisata dunia (mkpd) 2010